Monday, August 13, 2007

say for me, love

i believe that my natural inclination to be frustratingly fickle might be one of my more charming qualities.

things are much better. my lindsey and my cooper will be home soon, which i believe might make my world brighten up considerably. there have been long talks, old pizza, cute little babies falling asleep in my lap and vanilla wafers during bambi. all of these things have made this difficult trial go a little easier.

it isn't over, if that's what you were thinking. the answer to every relationship problem is certainly not to end it. however, getting real is almost always necessary, and some real was certainly got. and he got it, and i got it, and honestly i think we'll be fine.

the fact is, that both of us, all of us, every last stinkin' one of us is always growing up, and always making mistakes, and the truth is that we need to remember the good when the bad comes by. that's what it's all about.

remember, the world is conspiring to shower you with blessings.
even when you can not tell.


1 comment:

Ryan Cooper said...

:) I wanna come home!