Tuesday, May 30, 2006

ashville, motherfuckers

sweet. so now i can do a real update, after hashing through the bullshit on my xanga.

i really do love ashville, it's a great place. full of hippies and cool shops and clothes. not to mention the prices are great, there are practically no people dressed like they walked out of a tiger beat, and there is something cool around every corner. this place is all about being mellow and happy and artistic. local artists, microbreweries, coffee shops with $1 cappucino. also, i MAY or may not have bought a beret.

but anyway. basically the only drawback is my father. only a week living with the rutsky's and i'd forgotten how god damn annoying that man is. he's constantly saying "this town's weird isn't it?" and i mean constantly, i am not exaggerating. i mean it's seriously every few minutes, if not seconds. whenever something goes wrong at all, he blames my mother for not saying something, when really it was just him being an absolute idiot. i mean he is seriously one of the dumbest people i've ever encountered. jesus christ. i can't take it.

not to mention i can't shake the feeling that aaron is mad at me for god knows what reason. he shouldn't treat me like one of his clingy girls from colorado, he doesn't have to avoid me completely. i hate it. i wish it wasn't my fault all the time.
i can't wait to build lindsey's prezzie. it's exciting. i'm missing my college friends alot, especially andrew and lindsey. not to mention the fun kids i got close with at the end of the year, ryan cooper and harrison and laine and mary elizabeth and her boyfriend. i'm really excited about this summer seeing my friends, but part of me can't wait till next semester. living with lindsey, our bad ass room, my classes, more jokes and WOW and parties.

today was a beautiful day.
i look fucking bad ass in this hat.

Monday, May 15, 2006

library madness

now that i finally have the chance to rekindle my love for reading, the following books have been checked out to grace my life for the nest 3 months:

flowers for algernon- daniel keyes
the catcher in the rye- j.d. salinger
beyond genetics- glenn mcgee
an american childhood- annie dillard
weetzie bat- francesca lia block
why some like it hot: food, genes, and cultural diversity- gary paul nabham
travels with charlie- john steinbeck
one flew over the cuckoo's nest- ken kesey
whose view of life? embryos, cloning, and stem cells- jane maienschien
a heartbreaking work of staggering genius- dave eggers
genome- matt ridley

it has been a busy as hell two days. yesterday i unpacked both cars, packed one with lindsey's stuff and the other with mine for the rutsky's, cleaned the kitchen, went out for mother's day, did two loads of laundry and returned it all nicely folded, and cleaned up my stuff downstairs. today i got up early, went to my job interview, accepted a full tiem job working in toys at smith's variety store in mountainbrook, moved all of my things into the rutsky's, and came to the library to check out the very books i have listed before you.

i feel like a grown up. it's strange.
but i have a brand new my little pony lunchbox for work, so i think i'm ok.


Sunday, May 14, 2006


it's a strange feeling. i have plans, i have things to do that i planned and that technically, i don't have to do it. i have a job interview tomorrow at 10am, and then i'm moving into the rutsky's house until the afternoon. i have some shopping planned and some phone calls to make.

but they're plans that i made, they are things that i did on my own and arrangements that i took care of and that i decided on and now i carry them out and finish. and i'm doing it by myself, on my own time. i'm going to make my own breakfast. i'm going to pack my own room. i feel like a grown up.

i watched the series finale of west wing with my parents. it's still one of my favorite shows, and this one was the president's terms ending and the new president taking over. the old staff was leaving, boxes and furniture moving out, new plans made. and as the president was on the plane headed home, his wife asked him what he was thinking about, and he answered "tomorrow."

and that's what i feel like. i feel like for once in my life, i can do things that i decide to do for myself. i don't have homework, i don't have to worry about next semester. i have a job i got myself, money i earned, a cell phone i haven't lost yet. i can read a book if i want to. i can paint. i can rearrange a bookshelf. just if i feel like it.

this is new and exciting.

ice cream exciting.


p.s. i miss my friends. i miss them so much. i get to see my birmingham friends this summer, then back to tuscaloosa for late night WOW talk from andrew, sex jokes, lindsey face, snuggling, drunken nights, mess, fans, angel music and paty. i can't wait for everything in the world. just. can't. wait.