Sunday, May 14, 2006


it's a strange feeling. i have plans, i have things to do that i planned and that technically, i don't have to do it. i have a job interview tomorrow at 10am, and then i'm moving into the rutsky's house until the afternoon. i have some shopping planned and some phone calls to make.

but they're plans that i made, they are things that i did on my own and arrangements that i took care of and that i decided on and now i carry them out and finish. and i'm doing it by myself, on my own time. i'm going to make my own breakfast. i'm going to pack my own room. i feel like a grown up.

i watched the series finale of west wing with my parents. it's still one of my favorite shows, and this one was the president's terms ending and the new president taking over. the old staff was leaving, boxes and furniture moving out, new plans made. and as the president was on the plane headed home, his wife asked him what he was thinking about, and he answered "tomorrow."

and that's what i feel like. i feel like for once in my life, i can do things that i decide to do for myself. i don't have homework, i don't have to worry about next semester. i have a job i got myself, money i earned, a cell phone i haven't lost yet. i can read a book if i want to. i can paint. i can rearrange a bookshelf. just if i feel like it.

this is new and exciting.

ice cream exciting.


p.s. i miss my friends. i miss them so much. i get to see my birmingham friends this summer, then back to tuscaloosa for late night WOW talk from andrew, sex jokes, lindsey face, snuggling, drunken nights, mess, fans, angel music and paty. i can't wait for everything in the world. just. can't. wait.

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