Tuesday, May 30, 2006

ashville, motherfuckers

sweet. so now i can do a real update, after hashing through the bullshit on my xanga.

i really do love ashville, it's a great place. full of hippies and cool shops and clothes. not to mention the prices are great, there are practically no people dressed like they walked out of a tiger beat, and there is something cool around every corner. this place is all about being mellow and happy and artistic. local artists, microbreweries, coffee shops with $1 cappucino. also, i MAY or may not have bought a beret.

but anyway. basically the only drawback is my father. only a week living with the rutsky's and i'd forgotten how god damn annoying that man is. he's constantly saying "this town's weird isn't it?" and i mean constantly, i am not exaggerating. i mean it's seriously every few minutes, if not seconds. whenever something goes wrong at all, he blames my mother for not saying something, when really it was just him being an absolute idiot. i mean he is seriously one of the dumbest people i've ever encountered. jesus christ. i can't take it.

not to mention i can't shake the feeling that aaron is mad at me for god knows what reason. he shouldn't treat me like one of his clingy girls from colorado, he doesn't have to avoid me completely. i hate it. i wish it wasn't my fault all the time.
i can't wait to build lindsey's prezzie. it's exciting. i'm missing my college friends alot, especially andrew and lindsey. not to mention the fun kids i got close with at the end of the year, ryan cooper and harrison and laine and mary elizabeth and her boyfriend. i'm really excited about this summer seeing my friends, but part of me can't wait till next semester. living with lindsey, our bad ass room, my classes, more jokes and WOW and parties.

today was a beautiful day.
i look fucking bad ass in this hat.

1 comment:

Lindsey Jayne said...

ooo la la a beret!

You MAY or may not want to hide that from me next year.